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Are you preparing for your Professional Grooming Credentialing or do you need to stay up to date with your training? The DAATA educational program is part of the educational material recognized by the WPA-PGC.


Courses available for your PGC

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Each level includes :

  • Online webinars (available on Replay as well)

  • Access to the online interactive courses and content including online tests, videos, sources, library, etc.

  • A free hard copy manual

  • Access to the final exam sessions

Functioning and anatomy of skin and hair

Complete training program:


  1. Online Webinar : 7 hours

- The skin
- epidermis
- Subcutis
- Dermis
- Coat and Coat
      - Understanding the hair cycle and the implications for the groomer
             - Scientific data on hair stripping in terrier breeds
      - Understanding pigmentation and the implications for the groomer
      - The different types of hair
      - Specialized hairs: vibrissae and tylotriches
           - On the advisability of cutting or not the vibrissae: available scientific data and conclusions
- Skin hydration: understand the phenomenon of skin hydration and the implications for the groomer.


Choose the date that suits you for the online webinar. Click on the payment button to have access to the calendar selection : 

The webinar will take place online from 8:00 am (UTC − 4) to 12:00 am that is 4 hours of online seminar.

     2. Full access to online courses

The training is then completed by full access to the online course to allow preparation for your exam. Access to online courses is included in the price of the online seminar (no supplement will be payable).

     3. Free eBook included

     4. Final exam included


The passing of the exam is also included in the price (no supplement to pay for the first time you take it). You will need to score at least 80% to be successful.

This training is considered as an 4 hours training for your PGC. 

Ancre 1
DAATA Grooming Method - Basics (DAATA Level 1)

Complete training program:


  1. Online Webinar : 7 to 8 hours

  • What is physiological grooming and how can it improve the pets’ behavior and wellbeing?

  • Bathing:

    1. Understanding the temperature and how it should be set to respect skin, hair, and pet wellbeing.

    2. Understanding water and skin pH and how to groom accordingly.

    3. Understanding how water pressure interacts with skin and hair

  • Physiological drying: understanding each drying method and their consequences good or bad on skin and hair.

  • Physiological brushing: Relearn how to use the groomer's equipment to brush physiologically while respecting the hair and skin.

  • What are the chemicals we use during grooming and how do they interact with skin and hair?


Choose the date that suits you for the online webinar. Click on the payment button to have access to the calendar selection : 

The webinar will take place online from 8:00 am (UTC − 4) to 12:00 am that is 4 hours of online seminar.

     2. Full access to online courses

The training is then completed by full access to the online course to allow preparation for your exam. Access to online courses is included in the price of the online seminar (no supplement will be payable).

     3. Free eBook included

     4. Final exam included


The passing of the exam is also included in the price (no supplement to pay for the first time you take it). You will need to score at least 80% to be successful.

This training is considered as an 8 hours training for your PGC. 

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Todos nuestros cursos están protegidos por las leyes de propiedad intelectual. Cualquier copia o reproducción total o parcial de estos cursos o sus ilustraciones está completamente prohibida y puede ser procesada. No tiene derecho a utilizar los cursos fuera de su certificación.


La certificación DAATA ha sido creada por la Sra. Nathalie Doaré - Ariey-Jouglard y sólo puede ser emitida por el Centro de formación de N&J y sus socios registrados.

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