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Alternatives to Teeth Brushing: Products and Solutions for Good Oral Hygiene

Writer's picture: Nathalie Ariey-JouglardNathalie Ariey-Jouglard

Brushing your pet's teeth is often considered the most effective way to maintain good oral hygiene in dogs and cats, but it’s not always easy to make it a regular part of their care routine. Some animals may be resistant or anxious about brushing, which can make the task difficult for their owners. Fortunately, there are numerous alternatives to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent plaque and tartar buildup without daily brushing. These solutions are ideal for offering simple and effective oral care tailored to each animal's needs.

Why Look for Alternatives to Brushing?

While brushing remains an excellent way to prevent dental plaque, many owners seek more convenient and less stressful options for their pets. Alternative products are often easier to use, and when incorporated into a regular routine, they can help reduce plaque, keep gums healthy, and prevent tartar formation. Here are some of the most popular solutions for dental care without brushing.

Alternative Products for Good Oral Hygiene

  1. Dental Gels and Sprays

    • Dental gels and sprays are convenient solutions applied directly to the animal's teeth and gums. They contain antibacterial agents that help control bacterial growth and reduce plaque. Some gels are specially designed to dissolve with saliva, allowing the product to spread throughout the animal’s mouth, providing complete care.

    • Dental sprays are also simple to use and can be sprayed directly into the mouth. They are often flavored to appeal to pets, making them a great option for animals that don’t like their teeth being touched.

  2. Dental Treats and Specialized Kibble

    • Dental treats and kibble specifically designed for oral care are popular and convenient products to maintain good dental hygiene. They are often formulated to encourage chewing, which helps remove plaque and tartar by scrubbing the teeth’s surface.

    • Some kibble is even enriched with anti-plaque agents and is designed to withstand chewing, allowing for more effective cleaning. These treats and kibble are particularly beneficial for dogs and cats who enjoy chewing and receive daily dental cleaning simply by enjoying their snacks.

  3. Water Additives

    • Water additives are a simple and discreet solution for pets that are averse to oral care. By adding a few drops of solution to drinking water, owners can provide dental care without direct handling.

    • These products are formulated to combat bacteria that cause bad breath, reduce plaque, and maintain gum health. Since they work with each sip, they offer continuous care, especially for animals that drink frequently.

  4. Dental Mousse and Powders

    • Dental mousses and powders are innovative solutions that can be added to the animal's food or applied directly in the mouth. Mousses can be sprayed onto the teeth and are designed to adhere to the gums, allowing for prolonged antibacterial action.

    • Dental powders blend easily into food and are often rich in enzymes and natural ingredients that help reduce plaque and tartar. They are ideal for pets that resist more direct oral care, as they don’t interfere with their diet.

TEEF!: An Innovative Alternative for Your Pet’s Oral Care

Among the alternative solutions to brushing, TEEF! stands out as a simple, effective, and stress-free option to maintain good oral hygiene in dogs and cats. Designed to reduce plaque and bacteria at the source, TEEF! is easily added to your pet’s drinking water. This revolutionary product helps prevent tartar buildup, combat bad breath, and promote gum health—all without direct handling.

With TEEF!, each sip of water becomes an opportunity for dental care. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, TEEF! works continuously and gently to reduce plaque and preserve oral health, all while simplifying the care routine. This solution is perfect for pets that are sensitive to brushing and provides a natural, effective way to keep their teeth and gums healthy.


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