Today we are very pleased to give you some great news about Boeing. This guy is 15 years old and has been struggling with a very greasy, smelly and irritated skin for many years.
This is how Boeing looked like before his groomer decided to study the DAATA method and apply it to him.

He was going to the groomer every month, and his mum would even give him some bath in between because he was so smelly and oily that he would become very itchy.

Every time he was coming back, he was getting worse and worse, and the vet could not help him.
And every time his groomer would bath him, she could never clean him completely.
She followed the whole DAATA-ICDG Certification courses (Lvl 1 to 4) and discovered how it was possible to better manage a greasy skin and improve her actual grooming products with easy to use natural ingredients.
After only one grooming, Boeing was clean, he did not smell and left with only a little oily coat but totally acceptable.
Here is what he looked like at the end of his first DAATA Grooming :

Four weeks later, Boeing came back and her groomer could not believe her eyes : Boeing's skin was perfectly healthy, so irritation, no smell and only a little oil.
And the icing on the cake ? His mum didn't have to bath him in between, actually she did not have to do anything at all !
After a second DAATA grooming, this is what Boeing' skin and hair looked like

Can you see the amazing difference ? Can you imagine how this DAATA-ICDG groomer changed Boeing's life as well as his owner's ?
You also can make a difference with your grooming ! Be a DAATA Groomer now !! We guarantee the results of our method !!!
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