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Coming Soon in Groomer Connexion: “The False Prophets of Animal Intuitive Communication” – Discover the Hidden Risks of This Growing Practice (Available November 5)

Writer's picture: Nathalie Ariey-JouglardNathalie Ariey-Jouglard

The upcoming issue of Groomer Connexion, out November 5, features an essential article for pet owners and animal communication enthusiasts: “The False Prophets of Animal Intuitive Communication: A Danger to the Practice and to Pet Owners”. While animal intuitive communication is a fascinating way to connect with animals on a deep level, it’s increasingly threatened by unqualified practitioners, often trained in fast-track courses promising instant results.

In this article, you’ll find:

⚠️ The Pitfalls of Quick-Fix Training

With a surge in rapid courses, people with little real experience are being promoted as “professionals” in animal communication, undermining the credibility of the practice.

🐾 Risks for Pet Owners

An unqualified practitioner can easily provide misleading or even harmful information, leading to misunderstandings and decisions based on unfounded diagnoses.

🔎 How to Identify a True Professional

The article offers criteria to help pet owners find qualified practitioners, emphasizing transparency, experience, and humility to avoid the pitfalls of charlatanism.

💬 The Importance of Protecting an Ethical Practice

To keep animal intuitive communication a respected discipline, it’s essential to stay informed and support honest, experienced practitioners while maintaining realistic expectations.

Don’t miss this vital read for anyone looking to connect deeply with their pets without falling victim to those exploiting the public’s trust and enthusiasm.

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