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First problem-free grooming for Athos thanks to the DAATA method

Writer's picture: Nathalie Ariey-JouglardNathalie Ariey-Jouglard

Julie, groomer in France, and new student of the DAATA method, wanted to share with us her first DAATA grooming test on Athos, a fox terrier that she has been grooming for two years with great difficulty.

Indeed, not a single grooming without aggression, the dog had to be muzzled and struggled so much that he risked injuring himself and managed to hurt the groomer at every single grooming session.

Here is her testimony:

Hello Nathalie,
Today I tried your method with Athos, a fox terrier in hair removal, it is day and night regarding his behavior, for the first time in 2 years I have not come out of his grooming with bruises (he was still muzzled as a precaution). I was able to untangle his legs without him trying to bite me from start to finish. I did the handstripping after the bath as advised and he did not want to bite and did not make 5 meter dips on the table. He still growled at me at times but didn't jump on me like he usually does.
Thank you so much !! I was starting to despair 😅.
His grooming is not perfect because he does not allow his legs and buttocks to be handstripped.

Following this message, I replied to Julie that parts of the body such as the legs or buttocks are often areas where the hair is softer and therefore less strippable so I advised her to work with scissors or clipper according to her preferences. What a pleasure to receive these testimonials from our students, even beginners, who get results from their first grooming !!

Be like Julie, be a DAATA groomer.


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