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Groomer Connexion Christmas Tale for Your Pets: Episode 1

Writer's picture: Nathalie Ariey-JouglardNathalie Ariey-Jouglard

The Magical Christmas Pumpkin and Cinnamon Biscuits

It was the beginning of a quiet December in the snowy village, and the Taylor family, snug in their cozy home, was carefully preparing their Christmas decorations. Emily and Jack, the two children, were busy around the Christmas tree, hanging garlands and shiny ornaments. At their feet, their faithful companions, Buddy the dog and Whiskers the cat, watched with curiosity, as if sensing that this festive season held some surprises for them.

As the family prepared to go to bed, a golden light suddenly lit up the kitchen, casting mysterious shadows throughout the house. Curious and amazed, Emily and Jack slipped into the kitchen and discovered a little elf with twinkling eyes, wearing a green hat and red boots.

“Hello!” he said with a wink. “I’m Pipin, the Christmas elf, sent by Santa Claus himself. I have a mission for you: to bake Christmas biscuits...but not just any biscuits. These are magical biscuits meant to fill your companions with the Christmas spirit!”

Emily and Jack’s eyes widened with surprise, and Buddy came closer, wagging his tail, as if he understood every word. Whiskers, meanwhile, stealthily jumped onto the countertop, captivated by this unexpected appearance.

“Let’s get started!” declared Pipin, waving a small, sparkling vial of stardust. “For Buddy’s biscuits, we’ll need 200 grams of pumpkin puree, one egg, two tablespoons of honey for sweetness, and 300 grams of rice flour.”

The children got to work: Emily grabbed a large bowl and added the pumpkin puree, while Jack, focused, cracked the egg. Pipin, with a graceful gesture, sprinkled the stardust into the mixture, and a soft glow illuminated the dough. “Now, add a pinch of cinnamon for a festive touch and mix well,” the elf whispered with a smile.

The dough, as if by magic, turned a golden color and emitted a sweet cinnamon scent, filling the kitchen with the fragrance of the holidays. Pipin then took out cookie cutters shaped like stars and hearts and explained, “These shapes are magical; they help animals feel the love and warmth of Christmas. Cut out the dough and place the biscuits on a tray.”

Emily and Jack carefully cut the dough while Buddy and Whiskers watched in fascination. Once the biscuits were ready, they slid them into the oven, set at 180°C. Pipin confided, “These biscuits will fill Buddy with the spirit of Christmas, connecting him to the holidays and to those he loves.”

After 25 minutes, the golden biscuits were ready, filling the air with an enchanting aroma. Buddy received one and devoured it happily, wagging his tail with joy. Pipin smiled with satisfaction. “These biscuits will bring Buddy the joy of the season, and he’ll feel deeply connected to the festivities.”

Before disappearing in a gentle golden glow, Pipin whispered to the children, “Next week, I’ll come back with a surprise for Whiskers. She deserves a bit of Christmas magic too!”

Filled with joy, Emily and Jack went to bed that night, eager to discover the next adventure Pipin had in store. As for Buddy, he fell asleep, his heart full of Christmas warmth.

Recipe: Pumpkin and Cinnamon Christmas Biscuits for Dogs


  • 200 g of pumpkin puree

  • 1 egg

  • 2 tablespoons of honey (optional, in small quantities)

  • 300 g of rice flour

  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C).

  2. In a large bowl, mix the pumpkin puree, egg, and honey.

  3. Add the flour and cinnamon, mixing until a firm dough forms.

  4. Roll out the dough and cut into star and heart shapes.

  5. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes.

  6. Let cool before serving to Max.

To be continued: Episode 2 - Tuna and Catnip Treats for Luna!


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