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Groomer Connexion Christmas Tale for Your Pets: Episode 4

Writer's picture: Nathalie Ariey-JouglardNathalie Ariey-Jouglard

Banana and Peanut Butter Energy Balls for Dogs

Christmas Eve was fast approaching, and excitement filled the Taylor household. The children, Emily and Jack, were buzzing with anticipation, eager to discover the surprise Pipin had promised for Buddy. As dusk settled, a golden light illuminated the living room, and, as always, Pipin appeared, holding a small burlap bag carefully in his hand.

“Good evening, everyone!” he said cheerfully. “Santa has a special mission for Buddy tonight. To help him have all the energy he needs, we’re going to make magical energy bites!”

Buddy perked up his ears, intrigued, while the children followed Pipin to the kitchen. “For this recipe,” the elf began, “we’ll need a ripe banana, two tablespoons of peanut butter without xylitol, and 100 grams of rolled oats.”

Emily mashed the banana in a large bowl while Jack carefully measured the oats. With a wink, Pipin opened his burlap bag and sprinkled a pinch of stardust over the mixture. “This dust will give the bites a magical boost, perfect for Buddy’s mission.”

The children mixed all the ingredients carefully, and once the dough was smooth, Pipin showed them how to shape small balls. “These bites are packed with energy,” Pipin whispered, “and they’ll keep Buddy alert and strong for his big night.”

After rolling the bites, Pipin reminded them to place them in the fridge to set. “It’s important to keep these bites cool so the magic lasts until midnight,” he explained.

Once they were ready, Pipin offered Buddy an energy bite, which he devoured with a wagging tail of excitement. The elf leaned down and whispered a few mysterious words in Buddy’s ear, and the dog straightened up, as if ready for an adventure.

“Tonight, Buddy will join the elves to make sure all the animals in the village receive a bit of the Christmas spirit,” Pipin explained to the children. “With these energy bites, he’ll stay awake and alert to complete his mission.”

Emily and Jack, fascinated, looked at Buddy with admiration, imagining all the wonders of his secret mission. Before disappearing, Pipin gave them a wink and said, “Next time, there’ll be a surprise for Whiskers, too, so she can join in the Christmas celebrations.”

With a flash of light, Pipin vanished, leaving a trail of golden dust behind. That night, Emily and Jack went to bed dreaming of Buddy’s adventures under the stars, while the dog, filled with Christmas energy, seemed ready to carry out his magical mission.

Recipe: Energy Balls for Dogs


  • 1 ripe banana

  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter (without xylitol)

  • 100 g oats


  1. Mash the banana, add the peanut butter, and mix in the oats.

  2. Form into small balls and refrigerate for one hour to set.

  3. Serve as a reward.

To be continued: Episode 5 - Christmas Cookies for Cats and the Midnight Awakening


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