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How Oral Hygiene Affects Your Pet’s Overall Health

Writer's picture: Nathalie Ariey-JouglardNathalie Ariey-Jouglard

Your pet’s oral hygiene is much more than just clean teeth and fresh breath. Untreated dental problems like plaque, tartar, and periodontal disease can lead to severe infections and inflammation that impact other organs. Good oral hygiene helps not only to protect your pet’s teeth and gums but also to support their overall health.

The Connection Between Oral Health and Vital Organs

Oral infections can have systemic effects due to the spread of bacteria through the bloodstream. Once in the circulatory system, these bacteria can reach various organs, causing serious complications, especially in older animals or those with weakened immune systems.

  1. Heart: One of the primary concerns with poor oral health is its impact on the heart. Bacteria from dental plaque can enter the bloodstream and reach the heart, causing bacterial endocarditis—a serious inflammation of the heart’s inner lining. This infection is life-threatening and can cause significant heart issues, such as damaged heart valves, leading to heart murmurs or even heart failure.

  2. Kidneys: The kidneys are also vulnerable to oral infections. Bacteria circulating in the blood can reach the kidneys and cause inflammation known as nephritis. This can gradually weaken kidney function and, over time, lead to chronic kidney failure. Older animals are especially at risk, as their kidney function may already be reduced with age.

  3. Liver: The liver plays a critical role in filtering toxins and bacteria from the blood, but constant exposure to oral bacteria can weaken it. The buildup of bacteria from the mouth can cause inflammation of the liver, known as hepatitis. Pets with liver problems may experience loss of appetite, vomiting, and low energy.

  4. Lungs: Oral bacteria can also reach the respiratory tract and lungs, causing respiratory infections, including pneumonia. Animals with advanced periodontal disease are more likely to develop lung infections, as bacteria present in the mouth can be easily inhaled.

Signs of General Health Issues Related to Oral Health

If your pet’s oral health is compromised, they may show signs of discomfort or illness that may not initially seem connected to their teeth. Symptoms to watch for include:

  • Low energy or apathy

  • Changes in appetite

  • Persistent and foul-smelling breath

  • Weight loss

  • Red or inflamed gums

If your pet shows several of these symptoms, it’s essential to consult a veterinarian to assess both their oral and general health.

Preventing Health Issues Through Good Oral Hygiene

Preventing health problems related to oral hygiene is essential to prolonging your pet’s life and improving their quality of life. Here are some practical tips to maintain good oral health:

  1. Brushing: Regular brushing is an effective way to prevent plaque and tartar buildup. It’s recommended to use a toothbrush and toothpaste specifically designed for pets.

  2. Professional Dental Care: An annual check-up with the vet for a professional dental cleaning can help remove accumulated plaque and tartar and assess your pet’s oral health.

  3. Alternative Dental Products: Dental gels, sprays, and treats are effective options for reducing plaque and maintaining oral health between brushing and professional cleanings.

TEEF!: An Ideal Support for Your Pet’s Oral and Overall Health

As part of an oral care routine, TEEF! is a valuable addition to support your pet’s overall health. This innovative product, designed for dogs and cats, is easily added to drinking water and helps reduce plaque and bacteria at the source. By combating oral bacteria that can spread to other organs, TEEF! helps protect your companion’s heart, kidneys, and liver from infections. By incorporating TEEF! into your pet’s daily routine, you contribute to better oral hygiene and, as a result, optimal and lasting overall health.


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