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The Latest Groomer Connexion Issue

Writer's picture: Nathalie Ariey-JouglardNathalie Ariey-Jouglard

The latest edition of Groomer Connexion is out, packed with essential resources for grooming professionals and pet wellness enthusiasts. In this issue, you’ll find captivating articles and practical advice to help you provide the best for your clients and their pets. Here’s an overview of the topics covered in this special November 5th edition:

🧴 OxyPet - Long-Term Support for Pet Skin Health

Discover how OxyPet helps improve pets’ skin health with a long-term focus on skin well-being.

📅 The Groomer's Weekly To-Do List

Organize your week optimally with our tips on structuring tasks, improving productivity, and making each day more efficient.

🦷 Revolutionizing Pet Oral Health with TEEF!

Oral health is essential to animal wellness. This article introduces TEEF!, a groundbreaking product designed to improve pet oral health.

🐾 The False Prophets of Animal Intuitive Communication

A critical look at the dangers of unqualified practitioners in animal intuitive communication, to protect both the practice and pet owners.

🌬️ Relaxation Techniques at Work for Groomers

Grooming can be demanding. This article shares relaxation techniques to incorporate into your daily routine to improve workplace well-being.

🎉 Creating Seasonal and Festive Themes in Your Salon

Bring a touch of the season to your salon! Discover tips for decorating and organizing special promotions to offer your clients a unique experience all year round.

Don’t miss this issue filled with exclusive content! Sign up at to receive Groomer Connexion directly in your inbox and stay informed on the latest trends and grooming tips.

Join us in this new issue for a deep dive into the latest in pet grooming and care!tendances en toilettage et soins animaliers !


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DAATA certification has been created by Mrs Nathalie Doaré--Ariey-Jouglard and can only be issued by the N & J Training Center and registered partners. 

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