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Why Proper Sharpening is Crucial for Quality Grooming Cuts

Writer's picture: Nathalie Ariey-JouglardNathalie Ariey-Jouglard

Sharpening grooming scissors is essential to ensure clean, precise, and comfortable cuts for the animal. Dull blades not only make the groomer's job more challenging but can also damage the animal's coat and skin, causing pulling or uneven cuts.

1. Impact of Dull Blades on Coat and Skin

Dull scissors pull on the hair instead of making a clean cut, which can lead to skin irritations and discomfort for the animal. Uneven or rough cuts affect the overall grooming result and force the groomer to exert more effort. Additionally, damaged hair is more prone to split ends, giving the coat a neglected appearance even after a full grooming session.

2. Recognizing When to Sharpen Your Scissors

Signs that your scissors need sharpening include:

  • Pulling and uneven cuts: If your scissors are pulling on the hair or struggling to achieve a clean cut, they are likely dull.

  • Increased effort: If you find yourself needing extra effort to cut through hair, it's a sign that your scissors require attention.

  • Unusual sound or feel: A strange noise or resistance while cutting can indicate that the blades are out of alignment or no longer sharp.

3. Recommended Sharpening Frequency

Generally, it's advised to sharpen your scissors every 3 to 6 months, depending on how frequently you use them. However, for premium brands such as Utsumi, the manufacturer recommends sharpening once a year, thanks to the superior materials used in their scissors. These high-end, handmade scissors maintain their sharpness longer, reducing the need for frequent sharpening.

4. The Importance of Professional Sharpening

Having your scissors professionally sharpened is crucial, especially for high-end brands. Incorrect sharpening can not only damage the blades but also affect their alignment and overall performance. Brands like Utsumi, which focus on precision and durability, recommend annual sharpening by specialists to ensure that the blades remain in optimal condition.


Sharpening your grooming scissors is vital for maintaining clean cuts, protecting the animal’s coat and skin, and preserving the longevity of your tools. For high-quality brands like Utsumi, sharpening once a year is often sufficient, offering an ideal balance between durability and performance.


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