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Understand how to read an ingredient label. In pet cosmetics, it must first be understood that there is no obligation to indicate everything on the label or even to indicate anything on the label in the current state of the legislation of a large number of countries. However, some manufacturers are (in part) playing the game and especially those who also sell to the general public since they have certain labeling requirements for allergens for humans.
Normally the list of ingredients is listed in order of quantity. The most important ingredients at the top, the less important ones at the bottom and in order. When the first ingredient is "AQUA" we can therefore consider that the main ingredient is water.
If the list of ingredients is very short, it is generally considered that the first 3 ingredients mentioned represent 80% of the mixture. If the list is longer, it is considered that it is the first 5 ingredients which represent approximately 80% of the mixture. We will be using this same rule for pet cosmetics since we have no other repository to rely on.

White coat Shampoo

White coat Shampoo

Here we study the composition of a shampoo intended for white hairs.

Ear cleaner for dogs

Ear cleaner for dogs

Here we study the composition of a cleaning product for the ears of dogs considered as a high quality products.

Conditioner - Avocado-Mink

Conditioner - Avocado-Mink

Here we study the ingredient list of an avocado mink conditioner. The brands are deliberately hidden. It is up to each student to study their own ingredient lists and to draw their own conclusions about the quality or suitability of the product used.

Shampoo "Caramel"

Shampoo "Caramel"

Here we study the ingredient list of a "so-called" caramel Shampoo. The brands are deliberately hidden. It is up to each student to study their own ingredient lists and to draw their own conclusions about the quality or suitability of the product used.

Ear Cleaner for dogs

Ear Cleaner for dogs

Here we study the composition of a cleaning product for the ears of dogs considered as an average range of products.

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