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Conditioner - Avocado-Mink

Here we study the ingredient list of an avocado mink conditioner. The brands are deliberately hidden. It is up to each student to study their own ingredient lists and to draw their own conclusions about the quality or suitability of the product used.

Conditioner - Avocado-Mink

If we base ourselves on the list below, we must consider that all the ingredients mentioned before “Avocado 1%” are therefore in greater concentration than 1% in the mixture.





Humectant (retaining or preserving moisture)

Irritating to human skin, it must therefore be considered as even more irritating for dogs and cats. (see STUDIES OF SKIN REACTIONS TO PROPYLENE GLYCOL by THELMA G. WARSHAW, M.D. and FRANZ HERRMANN M.D. 1952)


Hair conditioner

This is a quartenary. Irritating, in human cosmetics, it is not authorized at more than 0.1% in concentration in European legislation. Except here we notice that it comes in 3rd position, so it is in much higher concentration than 1% if we use the proportion generally accepted in the ingredient lists (the first 5 ingredients generally represent 80%).


Co-Emulsifier (stabilizes the emulsion)
Texture agent (gives smoothness)
Consistency agent (thickens the emulsion)
Emollient (softens the skin which helps maintain skin hydration).

In the current state of science, this ingredient is harmless to health.
It is a so-called fatty alcohol.

PEG 13 (i.e. a Polyethylene glycol)

Emulsifying agent

Contains carcinogenic residues responsible in particular for breast cancer.

Mink Glycerides

Nourishing, astringent (which tightens living tissue) and moisturizing, suitable for dry skin

The mink is a living animal whose breeding is only carried out for its oil and fur ...

ELAEIS GUINEENSIS (learned name for palm oil)

Emollient and moisturizer

Nothing to report

BUTYROSPERMUM PARKii (shea butter)

Ideal for damaged skin
Soothes irritated skin

Shea butter contains a small amount of latex. To be monitored in the event of significant allergy to this component.


Anti-static agent
Foaming Agent
Viscosity control agent

Very harmful for skin and the hair. It forms an occlusive film which suffocates them.

PHENOXYETHANOL (i.e. glycol ether)


Possible neurotoxic effects and neurological disorders by formation of toxic compounds in the body. It is very easily absorbed through the skin especially in its liquid form.
The EU bans a concentration of more than 1% in human cosmetics. It is a glycol ether (directly obtained from the distillation of petroleum). Although authorized in Europe, its toxicity has been proven. Glycol Ether (around 80 known to date) are dangerous for humans (sterility, abnormalities in the duration or regularity of menstrual cycles, difficulty conceiving, spontaneous abortions, damage to the embryo, congenital malformations, etc.) .
In 2008, the INRS (National Research and Safety Institute) published a toxicological sheet on phenoxyethanol. It indicates that this substance is easily absorbed through the skin and metabolized to phenoxyacetic acid, which can induce neurotoxic effects and neurological disorders. This harmful potential is all the more important as a glycol ether is easily absorbed through the skin when it is in liquid form (which is very frequently the case with cosmetics). It is also allergenic. It is absolutely not compulsory in the composition, it is quite possible to do without it and replace it with natural preservatives. However, it is very economical since it is an "oil waste".


Preservative, it is a paraben

Eye irritation
Possible skin irritation
By inhalation:
Sore throat
If swallowed, it can cause abdominal pain, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal disturbances, and possible anaphylactic shock.
Possibility of causing chronic skin sensitization
Should not be used more than 0.8% according to EU regulations.



This product is absorbed through the skin and digestive tract.
Eye irritation, possible corneal damage.
In case of ingestion; loss of appetite, salivation, vomiting, anorexia, weakness, ataxia, convulsions, respiratory depression.
Chronic effects: anorexia and weight loss.
It crosses the placenta in animals. It is found in breast milk in animals.
The EU bans a concentration over 0.6% and it is banned in aerosols.


Contains latex which may be a source of allergy.



Normally replace silicones but with the same harmful effects. In this list of ingredients, however, there are also silicones.
Irritants and allergens which normally cannot be more than 0.1% concentration in human products


Cleaning agent
Emulsifying agent

It is a polyethylene glycol which promotes absorption through the skin, but it is very likely to contain toxic residues which can cause breast cancer in particular.



The word Fragrance generally conceals a cocktail of phthalates, dangerous chemicals.
Endocrine disruption causing reproductive damage, organ malformations, obesity, early puberty or cancer of the breast and testes.


Antistatic agent
Film-forming agent (forming a continuous film on a support)
Hair conditioner
Skin care agent
Viscosity control agent

It is a quaternary agent derived from guar gum.
Quaternaries are irritants and allergens that normally cannot be more than 0.1% concentration in human products

It is a hydrocarbon derivative

Antioxidant (preservative)

Suspected effects in humans:
Toxic to skin, liver and kidneys
Increases the risk of cancer
Enlarged liver
Retards cell growth
Accentuates allergic reactions
Hormonal disruptor
Suspected or demonstrated effects in animals:
Promotes lung cancer
Lung toxicity
Associated with a toxic effect on the lungs when applied to the skin: congestion hypertrophy
Hemorrhagic effect
Alters cholesterol levels
Behavioral changes in offspring of exposed parents
Decreased effectiveness of the immune system
Increases the toxicity of several chemical compounds
Decreased sleep
Increase aggressiveness
Severe learning deficit
Damages the DNA of the gastrointestinal organs



No data on the concentration in the mixture.
This product causes mild skin irritation and severe eye irritation. It can irritate the respiratory tract.


Colorant also used in the composition of fragrances
(probably blue)

Not in the list of colors authorized by the EU in cosmetics (no data on the effects found for the moment for this specific colorant)



Ne figure pas dans la liste des colorants autorisés par l’UE dans les cosmétiques (aucun donnée sur les effets trouvés pour le moment pour ce colorant spécifique)

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